Sunday 29 December 2013

Task 3d : Critical Questions and issues that emerge

To be quite honest this task is a mountain to climb in my opinion as quite frankly I don't no where to begin or even how to start it ! What do I write ? I think my best way forward is to attempt answer the questions suggested to me in the reader.

I have been busily commenting on fellow students blogs today from the differing tasks in Part 3 as I have not managed to do this for various reasons :
* lack of time
* by reading these blogs feel they may influence my own writing too much
* don't read through an article properly, as I have mastered the art of skip reading. A note to oneself for the future is to endeavour to be connected to a number of fellow students who I feel I can relate to and read their blogs more consistently, but not on the day that I intend to complete a task on my own blog so as not to feel too influenced.

Does your engagement to date seem appropriate/limited/focused/planned/unplanned to your networking and sources ?
I feel that my current network tools are very similar to my fellow students, we all seem to use the same main sources of information that being the use of the Internet and primarily Google as a search engine; an iphone; social media sites to mention a few. I feel quite content that my level of interaction with these examples of sources is appropriate and its interaction lends itself well to my professional requirements and my current personal use. I do however feel extremely envious when I find that my peers consider Campus sessions a valuable tool  and amongst their top 5. I would very much like to have the ability to partake in these sessions if the location and work commitments allowed me to. I know I sometimes feel a little isolated from the programme and have discussed this within Task 3c as well as commenting on Geri's blog on this Task.
I feel I need to make more planned attention to my blog and attempt to do this outside of a Task so that my feelings and thoughts are amongst my posts as these may benefit my learning and thinking for the future. However time and effort on my behalf up against work level commitment will determine whether or not I can meet this challenge.

Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning or practice ?
I feel as a person I am quite determined to do my best in relation to whatever scenario I am up against, and therefore have quite strong opinions on my way forward. However that said I do believe that having the influences of others and their opinions whether it be a member of staff; student or parent I have a duty to take into account their feelings as on occasion they can have added value. From reading through blogs of fellow students it is apparent that we do share similar thoughts and opinions and so far I have not encountered I can say I disagree with. maybe its because we work in similar fields and responsibilities to this area such as working with children and young adults and being self aware their needs and considerations ?

Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take ?

Critical reflection occurs when we analyse and challenge the validity of our presuppositions and assess the appropriateness of our knowledge, understanding and beliefs given our present contexts (Mezirow, 1990). (

Up until beginning this journey of learning I didn't appreciate the concept of critical reflection and how we can learn from it. Whilst I know I am a diligent person who strives to be the best I can be, I feel I can now appreciate an deeper understanding of reflection and choose a pathway forward that can be a learning experience from the action taken through critical reflection. I feel I now challenge myself when writing for the programme and maybe at times I am too self critical, probably because as a mature student I see the importance of returning to study and therefore want it to be right and provide no room for error.

Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module ?
Do I understand the point I have reached within the current programme ? I hope so.
When in the right frame of mind and when I have the ability to think without great effort which I have to say isn't everyday and I hope this is the case for others and not just me, I think I have travelled a way froward to have gained greater understanding and knowledge for the tasks that will lie ahead as they will obviously get more difficult and require a broader mindset. I do find what I consider 'academic terminology' difficult at times to take on board especially as I work within a field of practicality and creative based thinking .

To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways ?
To be perfectly honest until carrying out Task 3b I was completely unaware that I have a connection with these theories. More that I just do them as part of my daily work life but without knowing their term. Cooperation has always been a part of my school and its attributes as well as a consideration I uphold for my customers and ultimately the students. I discussed in Task 3b how it surprised me in its reference and relation to game theory.
Affiliation was again recognised to me as an asset I uphold but the relation to a theory brought it forward in my understanding. I felt I gained a great deal from exploring this theory and relating it to my personal life scenarios as discussed in the task.
With all other theories I found a connection that I could relate to in my professional network.

How do ethical issues relate to your own digital literacy ?
This is an area I have explored and re-addressed within the tasks that I have been set as I am always very self aware of where the line stops and be sure not to cross it. I work with children and young adults and their safety and welfare has to be my priority whether it be in the classroom or in digital material. I explore the area of ethical consideration in Task 2d and discuss my thoughts and concerns surrounding this topic.
All of my students parents are requested to sign their approval so that any material or information that includes their child has approval from them before I do so.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Task 3c : Sources of Information

Technology has travelled so far I feel that we all live comfortably in a world where it could be possible to exist from a building, not having to step a foot outside the front. We could order all our shopping requirements whether it be from food to clothing and even furniture; run our business or access our career; play games and entertain ourselves whilst it being possible to enjoy this communicating with friends or we can even be part of our families lives on a daily basis whilst being on the other side of the world but as if they were in the same room.
The World Wide Web is inspirational and provides so much to every person from every walk of life and age and it will only continue to flourish and develop in the future. From this innovation networks have evolved and the art of picking up the phone or writing a letter to communicate is most definitely a thing of the past. I personally love the access and opportunities it can provide at the touch of a button and would be lost without this interaction. Until recently my husband whilst not so old wouldn't agree with me and was very frustrated by people around him including myself who continually took part in technology until his iPhone landed and oh how things have changed.........he has now joined the club of techies and stepped forward into the future ! 

And do this leads me onto my top 5 sources of information !

I love this piece of equipment and feel lost without it. I actually know my daily life exists on it and most people could probably pick up someone's phone and work out the personality of that particular person by the apps it contains and how busy or basic it is ! 
From my iphone I access various sources of information. Text messages play an important role in my personal but mostly professional life as I can easily relay messages to high volumes of students and parents to which I can obtain an instant response in most cases. This  saves me time as relaying this information by way of a phone call would take too long and the object of efficiency would be impossible. Due to time restraints producing a letter or note is not always possible as an alternative to a text message. 
Since having the ability to check my emails through my phone I rarely access them via my laptop, as I can quickly respond to them on the go, and move onto the next. 
Access to Banking is also important as when running your own business you always need to be in control of your finances and through my application on my phone I can do this effectively. 
As well as fitness apps and many more trusted app friends, I utilise as most people do my iphone to its maximum and would be very lost without it. It provides me with speed, efficiency and practicality whilst going about my daily business. 

The internet has got to be up there on my list of must haves ! Any question needs answering Google has the answer ! Google is most reliable and practical and I utilise it a great deal within my business and personal needs. Without the use of google I would struggle to complete the tasks and modules on the BAPP course as the time element required to visit the library for reference books or indeed visit the university to speak with tutors would be impossible with work commitments. 
My children who both attend high school would not know where to begin searching for information in relation to their school work I feel, without the use of the internet. 
Is this a negative scenario I ask myself ? I think it could be heavily weighted in favour of the use of a reference book or library access. This way of networking never prevented our predessors of achieving and the action of visiting the library with an intention to learn was achieveable. The library provides a learning environment that can benefit those who do not cope well in their own company, whilst it is a quiet place the comfort of people around them can be beneficial to some. 
However, encouragement placed on students today on research on the internet, maybe the reason why the use of a book is not favourable due to the fact that it is so easy to do. It can be found on your laptop/phone, in your own home without the need to venture on a trip to a library. On the negative side this way of learning could provide distraction as there are pathways and links that lead from these pages. 
An interesting article produced by Gary Bowman (Edinburgh University) discussing the library v internet raises some good arguments. 

Facebook is an important part of the internet for me, not so much personally as I'm not one for posting my every move on it, but do enjoy having a nosy at what others are getting up to whether it be family members or friends from my school days or current friends. It's a great network if used in the right context by those involved. I am wary of its use for young adults as it can be used as a negative tool for some and therefore don't encourage my own children to partake in it. I don't think it would be a problem for my son who is not so influenced by other peoples opinions but definitely not suitable for my 11yr old daughter who at the moment is so much a follower that this form of social access would be inappropriate. 
We use Facebook very actively within my dance school with all teachers having access to post comments and pictures when appropriate. These maybe to promote a class or generate support or boost moral amongst students. We try to bring our parents into the lesson by way of posting photographs taken in class which they support highly. I am very aware of ensuring that these posts are deemed suitable and continually check who has access to the page. 

As a registered teacher of both these societies I feel I have a duty to continually use these as a network link to my professional development and knowledge building. They provide me with up to date information on syllabus adaptations as well as access to mini-sites for the different dance genres that I offer at my school. I can book my examination sessions though them and liase with relevant members of staff on Professional development Courses. Online shop facilities are available that enable me to purchase new syllabi as it is introduced, which also links through to relevant courses. These are just a few of the resources available to me through these networks but ultimately they provide me with a security blanket as a registered teacher of the society where I can utilise them as and when needed. 

School Website
This network is one that I have specifically set up to provide relevant information to existing and new customers. I have endeavoured to provide as much information as possible so that any question can be answered at the click of a button. 
The site has a link to our Facebook page for those who may not have direct access as well as information on services we offer outside of dance lessons such as dance parties. I also place links on the website to surveys, generally after an event like a school show has taken place to generate feedback that we can use for the future to provide a better improved service. 
I consider our school a Community of Practise as discussed in my previous blog and so welcome discussion and feedback I receive from customers whether it be through the website, Facebook page, survey completion or in verbal discussion. All these networks are invaluable tools to enable my business to learn from, develop and in turn grow maintaining good standards and high expectations.

Whilst there are many more sources of information I feel I could discuss, I have chosen BAPP on my list as it is extremely relevant in my current life. 
Due to my location up in the North I feel sometimes quite isolated from the rest of my fellow students who are enrolled on the course. Many of them seem able to attend seminars which I wish I could. Whilst I appreciate the degree is work and distance based I do know that I would feel more secure in my learning if I had the opportunity to meet with students and tutors and put faces to names on a frequent basis enabling me to be able to discuss tasks whilst learning from others. After all in my head that's how learning has been in my previous studies interactive and so feels right to me.

Whilst I am aware of the fact that we are all networked together via the MDX site and each other's blogs allowing us to read what we are thinking, a meeting and conversation with a person is sometimes the remedy we need to move us forward from the hurdle we could be facing. Maybe this feeling is because I work in a very 'hands on' learning environment too and know my students benefit from this.

I therefore actively access the network when I am in study mode and continually read and re-read peoples blogs as well as follow those who interest me. However, I am aware that I need to interact more with fellow students by commenting on blogs rather than just reading, thinking and moving on from them. I am extremely influenced within my own head that reading a blog could persuade me to think in that way and replicate the same thoughts rather than use my own ! A challenge I need to overcome ! 

In conclusion it is evident that networking and sources of information play a great part in my professional and personal life. Without these it raises the question how did we manage before their existence ? 

Friday 27 December 2013

Task 3b : Theories relating to networking


Being cooperative within my field of work is the way I know I have achieved success within my school and business to date. I strongly believe that by listening to your customers/clients; taking on board their comments and utilising them effectively can produce a satisfactory outcome for all those involved and as a result allows my business to continue to grow and succeed. It is interesting to me that cooperation is highly regarded and related to game theory as until reading these articles I would not have brought these thoughts into my mind when I think of cooperation. More that I would consider it to be the application of consideration and thought for for others opinions and how they matter to them. But then when I consider Axelrods theory and read his article the reference to Tit for Tat ,this is a saying I use on a daily basis when having discussions with my children whose attitude towards one another is based around this. Every aspect of their daily routine gravitates towards who got the most; who had the most; or if he or she had that, then I need it too and the list goes on. A tedious daily routine which I'm sure with maturity will become less selfish and move in the direction of cooperation and consideration for each

I actively promote cooperation within my classes as I try to emphasise that working as a team can achieve a better outcome and can also add value to their learning. We encourage group work when choreographing in lessons and when producing our annual shows emphasise to the students that for them to provide their best performance to the audience they most work as a group and consider each other at all times whether it be on stage or in the dressing room.  The younger students can find this skill very difficult as all they can understand are their own feelings and not really that of others. So we come across many situations where we have to provide explanation and reasoning to the upset child and try and encourage the one who has caused the upset how they can make better of the situation and learn from their experience for the future.  

Cooperation also plays an important role amongst my staff and myself, as I feel I can always learn from them and they from me so we need to find the time to discuss and evaluate how we can continue to be successful and learn from our experiences.


The tendency to affiliate is something people have from early on in their lives. Larson, Csikszentmihalyi and Graef (1982)
Affiliation is an important aspect of everyones life and particularly within my own, whether it be personal or business. I have to affiliate in order to stay successful within my school whether it be with the teaching associations I am registered to or my customers. I therefore agree that 'a successful career requires effective professional networking' (Reader 3, BAPP Arts MDX).
As an individual I understand the privacy regulation theory (Altman, 1975) and appreciate the concept of affiliation, and its importance, however I also consider myself to be a private person and therefore not someone who wishes to affiliate themselves with everyone around me but more with those who are close to me and I can trust their judgement and opinions. I like my own space and therefore do not feel it is necessary within my personal life to feel part of a group or the need to be socially accepted. Maybe this is because I work in a busy environment where I teach classes of 15-20 students at one time on a daily basis and therefore this allows me to feel socially inclusive and therefore it is not a necessity in my personal time ?
I am currently experiencing a scenrario with my daughter who has just started high school and is struggling with friendships and where she socially fits in within her year group and peers.
Therefore on reading Crisp and Turners extract and their reference to Problems with Affiliation and Affiliating, I can totally appreciate and agree with their suggestions that negative emotions that come from experiences of affiliation can lead to negative behaviours and negative reactions from others. I feel we are currently on a roundabaout with her, not knowing when she will get off and enter a positive road ahead. To a teenager or young adult knowing where they fit in the world and where they belong is a very difficult situation to deal with and whilst we call on our life expereinces as adults to offer advice and guidance it can sometimes be very difficult as to know what we say or do as we direct them, knowing they are being brought up in a very challenging world.
Therefore if exploring affiliation within this blog has taught me anything is that negative expereinces can lead to negative attitudes which is not always the outcome of ones own actions but of that of those around you.

Social Constructionism

So this theory of connectivity to me is the art of common sense and the fact that it has a name and terminology quite frankly blows my mind. After having read the suggested extract by Crotty, M (2005) it left me with a mind full of questions and no answers ! Lots of words to describe the way in which humans live their lives.
Therefore I feel I can write little on this subject other than say I understand that we create explanation and meaning from our social interations and learn from our expereinces. Being a mum I can relate to and understand that children grow and learn from what they encounter in their daily lives whether it be not to touch a fire as its hot or dont cross the road without checking first thats its safe to do so. As a business owner I appreciate that certain decisions are not always the right ones and from information gathered from my customers it will help me to find the right option for the future.
This theory is a huge reflection on the way we have move forwards in society and technology. In the past the idea that information was gained from teacher to student was a very valuable and respected theory, however in todays climate with the web being a prolific part of our daily lives we have  a much smaller need for communication within a classroom setting as it is always appeared backed up by the use of a network. My own children produce most of their homework requirements via the web and online resources. They are connected to their friends via means of technology and will rarely pick up the telephone or write a letter. My son connects with his friends via games technology and has conversations whilst being miles apart, whereas in the past this would of meant being within the same building and playing a game that came from a box !
I use this process within my own life through social network sites to connect with friends and have this facility attached to my business and linked to my school website for those to connect to who may not have instant access to social media. Connectivism is part of todays society and in the future will continue to grow and flourish offering further opportunities for businesses and people to connect across the world.

Communities of Practice
A community of practice (CoP) is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share a craft and/or a profession. I consider my staff and myself to foster this theory as we all share the same passion and enjoyment for dance and have therefore chosen to pursue this to the level of teaching. I can also relate this to my dance school as being a CoP as all my students like my teachers also share the enjoyment of dance and have therefore chosen to spend an element of their personal time perfecting this craft by attending lessons. It is a chosen activity and therefore not compulsory or something they have to partake in.  I like to think that my dance school is seen as a small section of the local community and in turn is a place of good practise where those who attend have a positive learning experience not just only of dance but of the areas of connectivity we have discussed in previous sections like that that of cooperation and affiliation.


Monday 9 December 2013

Task 3a - Current Networks

I am feel confidently proficient in my professional network tools within my school and business having designed and introduced a website which I maintain. I introduced this some years ago as I felt my business needed to move forward and recognise that we live in a world of technology and the internet is a valued and integral part of our daily lives. I myself look to the internet if I want to find information on a local service rather than the yellow pages or similar material, as not only do I want to find a contact number or email but I want to find and see further information/pictures before I make the decision to follow it up. A website with little or no information does not serve its purpose, therefore I have endeavoured to fulfill this criteria within my own website so as to offer as much to the viewer as possible.
We also have a Facebook page which is  actively used by myself and members of staff to post information; pictures taken in class; create events or just to socialise. As many people are part of a social network and have access to these through their smartphones it seemed a easy decision to make when deciding if we should have a page dedicated to Heatherlea Dance. We currently have a good number of followers who are associated with the school as well as other people connected with them or students and so this provides us with a great advertising space.  
Texting and emailing plays a significant role in my professional network and gives me the opportunity to update customers and students alike quickly and effectively, whether it be to make changes to a class time on the last minute as a result of weather conditions or to send them an invoice for lessons scheduled, this enables me to cut down on paperwork and the expense it can carry in relation to resources and printing costs. Like Facebook most people can access their email from their phone and so this provides me with an instant message service.

I put great thought and efforts into designing and producing leaflets as I recognise that not everyone is computer literate and so may not access a technology based tool but may prefer to see a visual aid. Whilst these provide me with a cost implication they have to be part of my network so as not to loose a possible audience market. An example of a recent leaflet designed to generate interest in additional classes we offer is below.



Since beginning the BAPP programme I have been introduced to Blogging. I have grown to like it and will continue to blog after the programme has been completed but would like it to be on a professional level not personal. I envisage that we could use it as a way of bringing  the parents of our students into the lesson, allowing them to have an insight into the classes routine and progression. 

In relation to other providers of dance education who deliver to the same audience market, I feel I am well established within my network tools and although I appreciate you can always learn and further develop, my competitors locally do not offer me any ideas or tools to inspire me to follow or introduce to my business. 

Personally I use Facebook confidently and enjoy the socialising opportunities it provides me, with friends of recent times and those who were part of my younger days who I have been reunited with.  
I would however like to better understand and appreciate Twitter so I feel part of the Tweet gang that seems to have evolved over recent years. I don't quite understand the relevance of it and talking in hash tag terms !! Plus as I understand, the security of the site is questionable as you can see everyone's business from
a Superstar to the boy or girl next door, if they so wish to share it ! If I were to introduce this social network to my professional practise it would raise questions of appropriateness as I work with children and young adults and their safeguarding is paramount. 
I also feel very wary of Flickr and Instagram as a professional network as a concern of security and the potential it has to circulate, taking into account they are image related tools. I feel happy to use them in a personal setting, allowing those invited by myself to have viewing ability. 
I have of recent, become part of Linkedin, a professional networking tool. To be perfectly honest I do not interact with it as regularly as I could, but use it on occasion when I am notified of a change on my account. I'm not sure if it is of great benefit to my profession currently but more useful to those who work in a larger networked profession. 

My ideal network would predominantly amalgamate all the tools I currently use as individual tools including :
* information on the services provided from schedule of classes to party information
* order facility for uniform via an online shop
* ability to register for classes online
* pay for invoices online
* post information and accompanying pictures
* allow others to make further comment on the posts
* create events and invitations
* examination information and results/statistics

Whilst there are many more possibilities of an ideal network that would lend itself to my professional uses, I have tried to list the key points that dominate my network choices. Ethical consideration has to take centre stage as my workplace is predominently child based and so I have to pay attention to their needs and what is deemed appropriate. With regards to not knowing, there is always opportunity for learning and by keeping a vigilent eye on how the professional, larger establishments within my network field, will enable me to grow and in turn utilise these attributes to further develop my effectiveness as a provider of dance education.

Friday 6 December 2013

Task 2d - Inquiry

I'm not really sure where this task will take me but I hope as I begin to answer the questions I can derive a line of inquiry I can use further into the programme, as it stands right now I have no idea what I could possibly write about ! another moment of self-doubt

What in your daily practise gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about ?
Since I began my teaching career so many years ago, I feel over time I have become more and more intrigued and enthusiastic as to how to access my students learning from a more psychological perspective - try and work out what makes them tick ? The younger students are the same now as they were 10 years ago - they are full of vibrancy, keen to learn,willing to please and be the best within their group so as to stand out from the crowd and receive praise in abundance for their hard work and determination. They turn up to class with a smile on their face and fill the room with enjoyment.
Unfortunately this cannot be said for the older section of the school particularly from Years 7-10, where they appear to have the inability to learn in a quiet productive way, demonstrating good listening skills and are generally loud and vocal, having to be constantly reminded that they are attending a place of learning which requires discipline and structure so as to make their learning process the most beneficial for them. They loose pride in their appearance and consider requests such as hair tied back for all dance classes, correct uniform required and work hard a chore ! What is delivered as a correction to an individual to most can be deemed as a criticism and so the scowl emerges and the 'looks that could kill' and they don't endeavour to move froward from the correction to progress their technique. Most have a fear of being praised, to stand out from the crowd and the thought of being good at a skill horrifies them. So I continually question on these occasions how can I move forward from this to help them gain more confidence and understanding and why has this change occurred in young adults when it wasn't apparent when I first began teaching ? 

Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic ?
I admire any person or individual who works with teenage learners and young adults, whether it be a teacher within a high school setting or further education establishment or even those who are in a social working capacity who encounter these age groups within their work. The ability to be patient and understanding to reaching targets set has to be admired.
A member of my staff team, Jade in my opinion has to be admired as both a person and a teacher. She was one of my students who I taught from the age of 3 years old and now works at my school taking responsibility for classes and students alike. She is obviously much younger than myself and whilst I question sometimes does the way the older students behave drive me to despair because I getting old and do not appreciate the world they live in when Jade also feels frustrated with these situations, it helps me appreciate that I'm not expecting too much of them and she alike has the same expectations and outcomes.

Whats gets you angry or makes you sad ?
At the moment the state of my school premises makes me sad, as they are inadequate and no longer suit our needs. We have outgrown them in size and the location is poor. Whist I have tried in the past to move us forward I always seem to hit an obstacle whether it be lack of time to give to pursuing ideas, the expense that comes with the proposal of more suited premises or the big one which does make me angry - the planning department at my local council who seem to prefer to shut doors in my face rather than assist me in finding a solution to progress and maintain my business within their borough. The delivery of Dance requires big spaces and where we reside our only option lies within an industrial unit, which in their wisdom the council deem suitable for Industrial purposes only whereas other local authorities have quite willingly given permission to a change of use for these style of buildings for play centres, activity providers and dance schools. So we continue to stay put coping with or surroundings even though they too are now crying out sad !

Who do you admire who shares your feeling or has found a way to work around the sadness or anger ?
Apart from my teaching staff who share my feelings of sadness that we cannot move forward and the anger I have with the planning department, I would say I admire my students, particularly the older ones past and present who too share a passion for continuous success, where our school deserves to be a viable and successful provider of dance education within the local area.

What do you love about what you do ?
My job is my passion, one that I have had since being a young child. It begin as a hobby and then it evolved into a career choice that has brought me to where I am today. I love passing on my knowledge and what I hope are valued skills which I have nurtured over the years. Dance is an art form, a discipline and a skill that can grow a persons confidence and allows them to express themselves in a way that they enjoy. 
I love to to teach the younger children within school as they have so much enthusiasm to achieve and are keen to learn from others and the teachers. They bring a smile to your face and make teaching them a delight. In turn as they grow and become accomplished dancers I love to see how far they have travelled and that their love for dance still continues to flourish. 

Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love ?
I admire all my past students who have come from humble beginnings of very small people; have followed their love of dance through the ups and downs of growing up, adolescence and peer pressure but have stayed steadfast and passionate to their hobby. For some this hobby has then grown into a career whether it be as a performer or teacher. But for many it has continued as a great part of their life whilst they take on the journey of university and in some cases it has been their saving grace to get them through this process. A release from their studies and a chance to express themselves in a way they understand and gain pleasure from. This also makes me feel a sense of accomplishment on knowing that I have managed to pass on some of my passion and commitment to them. 

What do you feel you don't understand ? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making it interesting and beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you ?
I feel I don't understand why so many young adults I come into contact within my job as a teacher of dance, consider the correction of their work as a criticism rather than a way they can better improve their skills and become a more enabled dancer from it. 
For this I admire any person who works within a teaching environment or indeed has a vocation that brings them into contact with young adults where their job is to support them. Whilst it's not every person of this age group it really can be the vast majority who display this attitude and as someone who is in a position of responsibility only trying to do their best by them it can make you feel very frustrated, at times inadequate and helpless as to how many more 'discussions' can be had with them trying to make their outlook more positive. 
If I'm honest it does make me feel old, as I don't appreciate or on occasion understand why they can feel this way. My teenage years didn't seem so troubled and I don't remember them in a negative way, but society of today seems so removed from the era that I grew up in. 

How do you decide the appropriate ethical response in a given situation ? To what extent are disciplinary responses different to that you might expect more generally in society ?
I pay a great deal of attention to ethics and codes of conduct within my school and practise, as I feel we live in a day and age where consideration to these are the way of our world. We cannot afford to leave ourselves open to criticism or a possible negative situation particularly when working with children and young adults. I recognise and follow code of conducts within my own school policies and by those set out by the teaching societies whom I belong to as a teaching member. In addition I keep myself aware of legislation as set by local councils and government. This is in my opinion 'good practise' that every dance teacher or dance school should adhere to. 

Disciplinary procedures can show differing aspects in society due to diversity amongst age groups. An older person such as my father in his 70's has an opinion of how disciplinary issues should be dealt with and most of the time his thoughts are very opposite to how authority are dealing with or indeed has dealt with it. He refers on occasion to how things were done in his day by means of 'an eye for eye' and 'what goes around comes around'. As he will say it never did him or his generation any harm to recognise when they had done wrong and pay the price for their actions whether it be to answer to their parents or member of authority. 

Whereas on the flip side of the argument my Sister, a Deputy Head at a local primary school and my brother who is a Police Officer both have valid arguments and opinions on many occasion in disagreement with my father, of how disciplinary procedures should be as a result of their training within their vocations and as a reflection of their age. 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Task 2c - Reflective Theory

By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) Chinese Philosopher

When I read this quote it helped me to begin this blog as up until that point I was struggling reading and re-reading the task wondering how to move forward from it. As a mature student who has been out of the education loop for some time I felt uneasy knowing where and how to begin and at the same time not be influenced by other peoples work but be myself and write my own words.

As a teacher I can only enhance my level of effectiveness if I am prepared to continually develop and learn from my experiences. Through a variety of ways such as regular peer observations; coaching and feedback, social media, and communication with my students and parents I am able to promote effective practise which in turn helps develop my skills. Since the beginning of my journey on BAPP I can now add to the list of my reflective tools I use with the inclusion of Blogs and Journals. These have been a real l'ightbulb' moment within my weekly routine and if I'm honest wish I would of utilised them before if I had been more aware as they provide me with opportunity to develop my writing skills in varying ways which can only be a good thing.

“I believe that education…is a process of living and not a preparation for future living” – John Dewey.

This form of reflection I feel I can relate to as it falls within a way of thinking my parents fostered and particularly my Dad, whose values still focus highly on the importance of these and what we learn from living in the world. 
I was taught by them that not only is education within a school setting an extremely important tool in life, but the education of life and the skills it provides is a learning experience for which we benefit from.  I guess some may argue that this form of theory is old fashioned and that to be educated is the way to learn and grow as a person. 
In my work I teach students from many backgrounds of all ages and if I'm honest I have to say that of recent years there are now many young adults who I come into contact with who appear to have no 'common sense' for everyday life.The challenges it can provide seems to defeat them on occasion and they have no idea how to move froward from it or indeed how to learn from it. 
There have been many hurdles I have been dealt with in my lifetime, whilst some people may consider these difficult, I have moved forward from them, learning from the scenario(s) and developing a learning discovery as an individual and a businesswoman alike. 

“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (David A. Kolb, 1984).

Kolb produced a cycle of learning styles which he felt depicted how we learn and in turn reflect. To help me understand this cycle I thought it most appropriate to liken his four points to myself and one of my recurring experiences :

Concrete Experience
Production of Stars V Stripes - my annual school show which took place in November. An occasion that was for the whole school with approx 200 students taking part  including myself and members of my staff performing to audiences of 400+ at a major Manchester theatre. 
Reflective Observation
Apart from one negative comment received from a parent of a younger child - for which they have now retracted their  inappropriate comments, the overall experience was extremely positive. Demonstration of this was evident from all the cards expressing 'Well Done' & 'Congratulations'; gifts and treats from students/parents and even passers by in the supermarket approaching me to congratulate us on yet another successful and professional show. "Every year they just get better and better" !!! 
Abstract Conceptualisation 
To conclude from this event the feedback I receive allows me to reflect on the situation and know all the hard work and effort that goes into this pays dividends ! For a few days, however until the negative person in question admitted they had no grounds to complain, the one negative comment outweighed the many positives and for at least a week after the event when I should of felt elated I was constantly reflecting to find out where I had gone wrong and in the end it seemed I hadn't. However this said, I have made a very strong mental note for the future that any further events are to be checked and triple checked for all possible scenarios that would leave me vulnerable, and to be looking over my shoulder for that one person who is out there to try and trip me up as there are definitely some in every walk of life. 
Active Experimentation
As our show is an annual event, the cycle, just like Kolb's learning cycle will re-invent itself again beginning with the planning of a date in the diary; choreography; design & plan costumes to production and direction on stage with many little extra jobs in between ! Generally as the process occurs every year and appears to be a continuous success we follow the same model but do make slight tweaks and changes so as to learn from our experiences always striving to be better and raise the bar. 

Kolb also recognised 4 styles of learning - I recognise myself within the Diverging section but also see abstracts of myself in other areas. Diverging, because these sort of individuals are interested in people, they tend to be imaginative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. People with the diverging style prefer to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and to receive personal feedback.
Feedback is extremely important to me as I like to know I have been successful in whatever I was planning/doing, and have made others happy particularly in relation to my school & my work. Knowing that someone is unhappy causes me to try and solve the issue as a matter of urgency. 

Donald Schon suggested that the cultivation of the capacity to reflect in action (while doing something) and on action (after you have done it) has become an important feature of professional training programmes in many disciplines. 
As a dancer I can completely relate to the 'in action' theory as when choreographing in class I think on my feet rather than prepare beforehand taking work into the studio. I find this a more appropriate way to work personally and tend to learn from it, reflect on it and as a result act on it instantly. For example when the movements don't look right, flow the way I imagined them to be or if the students cannot execute them I make a change for the better and the process continues until the outcome is effective and positive. Schon's 'on action' theory is also another process I use in my profession in relation to events I may organise such as examination sessions; shows and everyday classes. I most certainly learn and reflect each time I hold an event, being very self critical and on occasion question my judgement as to why I did something in that way to begin with - was it the right decision to make, and was the outcome positive. This theory on how professional training programmes work is understood and regarded highly within my personal work ethic.

Reflection is part of learning and thinking. We reflect in order to learn something, or we learn as a result of reflecting, and the term ‘reflective learning’ emphasises the intention to learn from current or prior experience.” (Moon, 2004)
Jenifer A. Moon is a keen supporter of journal writing and is most recent in her observations and publications to the people mentioned above. She has ideas that to record experience will develop learning in ways that will then enhance other learning and will enable the learners to understand their own learning process.
I have found keeping a journal within this programme an interesting way of recording my thoughts rather than storing them within my head. Being able to read then reflect on them, whilst each time considering what I have learnt from the process.
As a teacher I feel I have a responsibility to my students and myself to learn from every experience I encounter and improve my skills and understanding of what I do and why I am doing it. Reflection is not just a picture in a mirror but a look at ones self form varying perspectives and act on them as effectively as possible. A quality a teacher should look on as a tool of excellence.
Dewey, J. (1897). "MY PEDAGOGIC CREED". Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2013.
Saul McLeod. (2007). Kolb - Learning styles. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2013.

Various. (2013). Reflective Practise. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2013.
Donna W Bailey. (1999). Reflection in Learning & Professional Development:. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2013.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Task 2b : Journal Writing Experience

Began the journey through the nine different ways of writing a journal and to be perfectly honest it has made me panic somewhat as I didn't appreciate the differing ways, and when I read other peoples blogs and what they have wrote that too throws me into turmoil for many reasons as I wonder how can I write what I think; how will it compare to others; will it be good enough; and I shouldn't read others too much as I don't want to do or write in the same way. 

So here goes .......... I do not warm to the method of Description (a spoken or written account of a person, object, or event) as I felt it was very lacking in emotion and didn't really paint a picture of a true journal entry. It was very abrupt, clinical and required warmth which is what I feel makes it belong. It's not a method I feel comfortable with or would use.

Initial reflection however is a way of building a journal I feel very at home with and would certainly adopt this way as a favourite as it allows you to reflect with recognition made to feelings and how the situation or event has effected you. This process I feel is most suited to myself as I continually like to learn from my everyday experiences and gain knowledge and understanding as to how I can become more effective in doing them. 

To List as a journal also feels lifeless and inappropriate as it doesn't create a profile of the person who is writing more that it is like a 'list of to do's' but in hindsight. 
I create many lists at the beginning of my day and on a daily basis so to do this at the end of the day seems back to front. 

A list entry via my journal app done at the end of the day !!!

A list of 'To do's' done at for the beginning of a day ! 

I chose to take on board the format of What if ? on a Saturday as this is one of the busiest days within my week and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to explore this way of writing. As anticipated the day threw up many occasions where I could comment on what if I had of done things differently ? and what did I Love or even hate about what could of happened ?. 
Therefore so as not to go on forever and ever accounting every moment of the day I wrote about a couple of issues that stood out from the crowd ........below is one of these about a child who we have recently been welcomed into class.

"A new little girl has joined us recently who I do know as she is a sister of a child who already attends and has spent some time attending our mini-movers sessions supported by one of her parents. She is currently being assessed on the autistic spectrum and both mum and dad are very keen for her to partake in mainstream activities and so approached me about her starting our Tinies group. We discussed a trial basis for her as whilst I don't want to close the door to her attendance at classes, I also want to be in a position between myself and my assistant teacher to offer the best service we can to the whole class. The first week seemed quite positive, however the last two weeks I feel have been difficult as she can become easily distracted and does wander off away from the group to explore - whether it be to find the box of feathers; locate the drumsticks; climb for the hopscotch jigsaw whatever she wants at that time nothing will stand in her way of getting it. So as is understandable this then becomes a safety issue as many of these items are placed out of reach and she will quite happily climb for them - the knock on effect is if one of us has to rush to her rescue to try to encourage her to re-join the group - this in turn distracts the rest of the children from the current task and engaging any class of 3 year olds can be hard work without an additional element of distraction. All the children do care very much for her but are also very keen to tell us when she isn't doing what the rest of the class are or she won't hold their hand etc etc.
I have concerns that we don't understand enough as dance teachers about her condition and how we can support her needs best, what If she was to fall from her mission to climb who would be responsible and how would I explain to all the parents not just hers how this has been allowed to happen ? 
I would love to make her part of the class but feel she needs more 1:1 support to provide full integration into the lesson - this will then allow us to focus our attention on leading the whole class so they all gain from their attendance and have a full and innovative lesson.
On the other hand if there is no one to support her on a regular basis would I have to say we cannot accommodate her ? This would be very sad for both her and us as we would be turning our back on her and not allowing ourselves to be a fully integrated provision.  Its a difficult dilemma that I feel we need to address with her parents to ensure her safety is paramount. "
Another View - I found extremely hard to write as I was trying to step into the shoes of my daughter as she ventured through her day. This was an important one within her week as she took part in a gymnastics competition, so an opportunity for her to demonstrate her skills and all the nerves and apprehension that comes with a prolific event. As she is only young but trying so desperately to be grown up this made me look at the day from her eyes in varying ways. However no matter how much you know the person you cannot in my opinion write effectively as you would yourself, therefore not a favourite and an exercise I would enjoy repeating.

Graphs, Charts & Diagrams - great for quick analysis purposes but not really ideal for everyday use on a personal level. I consider charts, graphs and such like tools for the workplace to demonstrate analytical information. It would be possible to reflect on this way of writing however it does not demonstrate feeling or personality and that's what a journal/diary brings to mind.

So in conclusion for myself I most definitely prefer the skill of writing with 'Reflection' and also 'What if' as these allow me to put my feelings and questions down on paper and then when reading back can reflect on the process or decision I took or indeed the way I could better deal with the situation if it were to arrive again. I also found journal writing a way of emptying my head as if sending it to the recycling bin, so that each day I place a lid on yesterday and begin the next with a fresh and open mind.