Friday 9 May 2014

Critical Reflection on Professional Practioner Inquiry

Developing lines of Professional Inquiry 

From the beginnings of exploring questions in Module 1, I began to realise an interest that led me down a pathway and ultimately should lead towards a potential line of inquiry that I can benefit from within my own practise.  By exploring varying questions in relation to the effective teaching of teenagers and older students Appendix 1, I felt I could further investigate my frustration and anxiety in relation their effective teaching. 

In Task 4d identifying pieces of literature that could enhance my inquiry was interesting and brought forth some points that inspired me to read further. Appendix 2 How within a class we 'optimize the self within the community' through encouragement of students being both leaders and listeners was a tool I felt I could incorporate into my lessons as a form of good practice.

Professional Ethics

Delving into this area I knew was going to open some doors and hopefully provide me with greater understanding of how my own ethical stance was in relation to my profession. I feel I upheld a good stance within my own school and how we follow codes of conduct whilst always being aware of the two societies for which I represent in delivering dance syllabus to my students. Appendix 3

On looking into the codes of conduct of these two societies I found them to meet my expectations and therefore not provide me with any further knowledge or insight other than to see how one demonstrates a hierarchical approach which after having trained with them for many years was what I would expect. Appendix 4

An ethical stance in life whether it be personal or professional is what I believe promotes positive structure and contributes to a successful approach and eventual outcome and therefore this topic of learning enabled me to develop a sense of achievement as I feel as an individual I demonstrate and follow an effective ethical framework. Appendix 5

Tools of Inquiry

Finding the most effective tool(s) for developing my inquiry seemed quite straight forward to me as I have basic experience in requesting feedback from my customers through the use of surveys, so I can learn from their responses and apply them as good practise to continue to develop and create growth. In comparison I felt I needed to engage in observation at a evidential level as this would encourage a skill that could be utilised within a different educational setting. Appendix 6 

So in conclusion this module has addressed areas I can further develop and indeed incorporate on a more detailed basis into my own business/school. It has also allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of how important it is to continually assess and build knowledge so that as an individual you are practising to the best of your ability.


Craven, J. (2014). Task 4a : Developing Questions. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2014.

Craven, J. (2014). Task 4d: Searching and Identifying Literature . Available: Last accessed 9th May 2014.

Craven, J. (2014). Task 5a : Codes of Practise and Regulation. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2014.

Craven, J. (2014). Task 5b : Codes of Practise. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2014.

Craven, J. (2014). Task 5c & 5d : Ethical Framework Learning. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2014.
Craven, J. (2014). Task 6a : Gathering Information. Available:

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