Thursday 8 May 2014

Task 6c : Award Title

I am very certain that my continuing career will guide me on the already established pathway of teaching dance whether it be to remain within my current own school setting where I deliver dance following the ISTD and RAD syllabus, entering students for examinations and producing and directing an annual show or whether my studies and experience will enable me to explore the opportunities of working within a state school environment where I am part of a staff team, delivering subjects within the field of dance that are GCSE, BTEC or A Level lead programmes. The latter is an area that has always interested me and is quite different from what I have so far achieved within my career, to work within this setting requires me to have degree status and so poses the question why else wouldn't I be dedicating my time to study alongside work commitments if it is not to enhance my career opportunities and open new doors ?

My suggested line of inquiry is targeted around students who within my own environment I find intriguing, challenging and make me question continually whether or not I am delivering my lessons where development and understanding is achieved and where further learning can be built upon. To work within the state setting requires individual specialist teachers to deliver the dance curriculum aimed at KS3 students and above and so my investigations into this age range have a connection with possible career opportunities.

I have always thought along the line of my award title being BA Hons Professional Practise of Dance Education rather than just Dance Teaching so I have explored the meaning of these words within the dictionary to try and ascertain if I my thinking is commensurate with descriptions. 

The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
The theory and practice of teaching.

The occupation, profession, or work of a teacher
Ideas or principles taught by an authority 

Oxford. (2014). Education, Teaching . Available: Last accessed 08/05/2014.

Through my teaching I feel I can express passion and appreciation of the subject and therefore do not just teach the principles and techniques behind each dance genre but try and encourage the development of all facets that make Dance the art form it is. Expression plays a strategic role in dance through communication with your audience by quality of movement, execution and interpretation of the movement is felt through rhythm and the connection made with the music or accompaniment. Ultimately Dance should provide a story through movement and expression and take the audience on a journey of discovery whether it be a short exercise or a longer more articulated piece of choreography. 

So in conclusion I would support and welcome the award title of BA Hons in Professional Practise of Dance Education as a suitable title to accompany my knowledge, understanding and experience I feel I can bring to my profession and practise in relation to what I can deliver confidently whilst always being aware of the emphasis on development, reflection and good practise.

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