Monday 24 November 2014

Thanks goes out to all those bloggers...................

I've been spending some time reading through blogs posted by fellow students including  Natalie and Chiara who have had the opportunity to attend campus sessions or in skype mode and I have found them extremely useful in putting Module 3 into perspective for me.

It seems we write in the past tense as this final inquiry is all about what we've done and achieved and not what we are going to do, so we are writers of an event that has taken place and we want to tell everyone about it. The inquiry should be developed as a story taking the reader on a journey of learning and providing them with an insight into who we are, what we do and how we have learnt in our exploration of a subject that intrigues us and relates to our work.

The idea that we are baking a cake and have ingredients, methods and an end result is a great way of visualising what we are doing and makes it all the more doable on a personal level. As a teacher of dance I appreciate the art of movement and visual aids and so this benefits my way of thinking.

The insight into the professional artefact also now makes alot more sense and I look forward to exploring the best way to produce my inquiry to others in a way that will be informative, interesting and of value.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jo - I think using others to help with the think on the artefact is a good idea.
